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  • I'm only a small business. Can EasyOHS work for me?
    The good news is - that EasyOHS can be used by just about any sized business, in any location with any number of staff. Remember EasyOHS has been designed to allow rapid compliance and provide support from safety experts all in the one low-cost package. So it does not matter if you are a sole operator, or have only a few staff or whether you have 100 staff - EasyOHS can rapidly assist in managing your workplace safety needs. ​ How easy is that?
  • How much will it cost me to implement EasyOHS in my workplace?
    How many times have you found a product you liked on the net but no matter what you do you can't find out how much it will cost you. If they won't show you, the chances are it's going to be expensive. Here, at EasyOHS, we are confident that our price is more than reasonable, in fact it is so reasonable we see it as one of our features, and we are proud to show you. Just go to our pricing page for a full explanation. What are you waiting for? *All prices shown exclude Goods and Services Tax. ​ *GST is currently 10% and will be added at purchase. ​ How easy is that?
  • Will the price increase after I sign up?
    We have been asked this question many times and the short answer is ... No! in fact ongoing annual program renewal (based on a single user licence) is $497 (exc. gst). As part of the renewal you receive all program updates and ongoing support and you get ongoing help from your friendly EasyOHS support staff. First, the legal stuff ... (NB. The pricing structure described on this page only applies to clients who purchase their membership at the advertised price. If you have purchased under a group promotion or other special promotion then you are bound by the terms of that agreement and the information contained on this page has no bearing on it whatsoever.) Let us set your mind at rest, this is how our price is structured. First, at our current advertised price, you make an initial payment of AUD$1997 for a single user subscription. That price includes the lease of the software and membership for the first year, complete programme setup along with all the benefits that you have read about on these web pages. This is the bit that concerns everyone. What about the price after that? FOR YOUR SECOND YEAR WE GUARANTEE THE PRICE WILL REMAIN AT AUD$497 AND, AFTER THAT, THE PRICE MIGHT INCREASE BUT ONLY EVER IN LINE WITH THE AUSTRALIAN CONSUMER PRICE INDEX. So, that means that at our current prices based on the Single User version, this is what you'll pay, ​ First year AUD$1997(Single User Licence) Second year AUD$497 Third year. The price will be based at AUD$497 but if there is an increase it will match the CPI Fourth year and on, if there is a price increase, it will always be in line with the CPI ​ This system could not be fairer. You know exactly what it will cost for the first two years and following that any price rises will be minimal. If you ever thought you needed help with your OH&S responsibilities do it now. ​ How easy is that?
  • What is the difference between an SWP, a JSA and a SWMS?"
    Safe work procedures (SWP), job safety analysis (JSA) and safe work method statement (SWMS) are all tools used to manage risk. They follow five basic steps Step out the task activities Identify the hazards (what could hurt someone?) Grade and register the initial Risk involved in performing the task Identify ways to eliminate or control the risk Grade and register the residual risk after the controls are put in place In the EasyOHS programme it is entirely up to you as to what you call the document. You have several choices that ensure the document will be correctly named to suit the jurisdiction in which you operate. The most important thing about it though is what it contains and how it is communicated in the workplace. It is important that when adopting a procedure, JSA, or SWMS into the workplace that the persons carrying out the task are consulted on the safety aspects and that any relevant legislative requirements or standards are followed. EasyOHS makes the production of SWPs easy as it allows you to easily format, insert icons for personal protective equipment and create a training or sign on sheet. ​ How easy is that?
  • Why are there only four entries in the Emergency Response window?
    The Emergency Responses window has been pre-populated with four responses that will apply in many workplaces. It would be impractical for EasyOHS to pre-populate any more because every workplace has different requirements and dangers. Each response is fully editable and should be changed, or deleted, if it doesn't exactly fit your circumstances. The remaining 10 spaces are also editable and you should create a new response for each threatening possibility that you believe exists in your workplace. ​ How easy is that?
  • There's some time left on my current subscription, Will I lose that if I convert to the Cloud version?"
    No. We will calculate exactly how much value is left in your current subscription and the first year’s fee for the Cloud version will be reduced by that amount. Even if you renewed your current subscription today and sign up for the Cloud version tomorrow, you will not lose a cent. ​ How easy is that?
  • Why do I have to pay an annual fee?
    WHS/OH&S compliance is an ongoing pursuit because workplaces and work environments can, and do, change on a daily basis. ​ Staff come and go, equipment changes, inspections and reviews fall due and changes to legislation may come into effect. ​ When legal requirements for workplace safety change, even though the fundamental principles for maintaining a safe place of work remain the same, there will be different requirements in the application of the new or altered rules. EasyOHS advisors attempt to interpret the results of changes and adopt them into the EasyOHS software and website to assist businesses in managing compliance. ​ Should you be unfortunate enough to have an accident in your workplace and have not taken any steps to comply or have allowed compliance to lapse, you and your company could be liable to prosecution. Not doing anything is the worst case scenario and can be likened to not doing a business tax return or declaring any income for years and then getting notified of a tax audit on your company. How would you feel if a worker was seriously injured and you had nothing in place in terms of workplace safety and workplace safety inspectors were on their way? ​ Membership with EasyOHS means that you will have a dynamic WHS/OH&S system, with ongoing support, that helps you to achieve a realistic compliance level and, more importantly, make your workplace safe. EasyOHS is continually developing and reviewing templates for Policies, Procedures, Safe Work Procedures / Job Safety Analysis and other important OH&S documents. These templates are available for members to download and adapt into their own workplace through consultation and making any changes to suit the individual business. This allows rapid implementation from a solid base of information, saving time and money. Online video tutorials are available anytime in the members area to assist in using each area of the EasyOHS system. ​ Part of your EasyOHS membership includes the price for leasing the EasyOHS software. If you do not renew your membership obviously the software will stop running. None of your data will be lost and, when you renew your subscription, EasyOHS will continue like it had never stopped. The software is continually being improved and refined. For instance, a change in the requirements for compliance might mean that the EasyOHS software needs updating to assist in covering the new requirement. These updates are always available to members to download via the website at no cost. Members will be notified by email when any updates are available. ​ How easy is that?
  • What is EasyOHS?
    Would you like someone on your staff who knows and understands all the OH&S requirements? Would you like someone on your staff who will help produce all the necessary reports, policies and procedures etc. to maintain your OH&S requirements? Would you like someone on your staff who will train your staff about OH&S requirements? Would you like someone on your staff who is always up to date with all the changes and news that occur within the OH&S rules? Would you like someone on your staff who will save you from the potential penalties, including jail and substantial fines, that you could suffer if an accident occurs in your workplace and you had not kept your OH&S compliance up to date? Would you like someone on your staff who will track, record and store everything that happens with your OH&S requirements and make all that information available at the touch of a button? Would you like someone on your staff who will help you maintain a safe workplace? Would you like someone on your staff who will do all that with a minimum of fuss? Of course you would, but what would you be willing to pay someone who would do all that? There were nine questions above and I'll bet you answered yes to all of them. Well right now you can get all that help, advice and know how for as little as $53 a week, including software program, setup, web members access including support for the first year and for as little as $11 per week thereafter. That's what EasyOHS is! EasyOHS. The future of your workplace safety.
  • What makes EasyOHS different?
    There are many companies offering their solutions to your WHS or OH&S requirements and, when they advertise they like to use the word 'Easy' because it's a great way to attract your attention about a subject that is, typically, NOT easy. Once you sign up they're likely to send you a beautifully bound manual that will, more than likely, sit on a shelf somewhere gathering dust or, if it's a software solution you might get pretty much the same but on your computer screen. We don't use the word 'Easy' lightly, it's a part of our name. Our programme is called EasyOHS because it TRULY is EASY. With the EasyOHS software there is no need to hire an extra staff member or an expensive consultant to interpret and decipher the complicated WHS/OH&S requirements. We do that for you and then our programme presents those requirements in a way that we know you can understand, in what we like to call a 'follow the bouncing ball' method. The programme is continually being updated to reflect any changes in the requirements and the updates are always immediately available as a free download to members. Simply put, there is no need for you to get bogged down by the complications in the law, just 'follow the bouncing ball' and you will be rushing towards complicity and a safer workplace, in fact, the EasyOHS software is so easy to use, we already know that there is someone on your staff who will be able to use it to help you get your company up to speed. Nothing could be easier than that.
  • Where in the world can I use EasyOHS?
    EasyOHS is a very flexible programme that has been designed to make it easy to achieve WHS/OH&S/OSH compliance and provide you with a safe workplace. The programme can be configured to run in just about any jurisdiction in the world and, as a valued member of EasyOHS, our specialists will be very happy to help you configure your programme to satisfy your requirements wherever you are.
  • How do I become a member?
    Simply click on the 'Buy Now' button at the top of your screen and follow the prompts. With an absolute minimum of fuss you will be welcomed into the group and, with our help, you will soon be on the road to having your occupational health and safety in order. ​ How easy is that?
  • What can I do with the demo programme?
    The demo programme sets you up as Demo Company Pty Ltd and allows you to see all the features of EasyOHS from that company's perspective. The Risk Assessment Tool and the Compliance Audit tool are fully functional. You will be able to perform a Compliance Audit and see the results. Printing, Saving and Emailing do not function on any forms apart from the Compliance Graph which allows you to Print and Save. We have also left the Staff Records/Qualifications area fully active so that, once you decide to purchase and you are waiting for the delivery of the product key, you can begin setting up your staff records in EasyOHS. It is a vital component of the entire system, but a tedious job. Once you get the product key, contact support and they will help you transfer the staff database you have created to your new system. That will give you a flying start and get you on the road to a safer and compliant workplace much quicker than normal. You can download the evaluation software here. ​ How easy is that?
  • Will just having EasyOHS make me instantly compliant with my legal requirements?
    No! Although EasyOHS makes achieving a high level of compliance relatively easy, just having it does not make your workplace compliant. WHS/OH&S compliance and workplace safety can only be achieved by the correct application of a number of strategies like Consultation, Training, Risk Assessment and Induction as well as implementing Policies, Procedures and various reports. It is mandatory, in most jurisdictions, that evidence of all these actions be recorded, stored and available for reference at any time. EasyOHS facilitates all of these requirements and guides you through the entire process with a minimum of fuss. ​ How easy is that?
  • What happens if my membership expires and then I rejoin?
    Once you renew your membership after allowing it to expire, the software programme will open as though nothing had happened and everything that you had done before the expiry will be exactly as it was. Access to the members area of the web site will be re-opened. However it is important to note that should your membership expire for more than 60 days - although your data will still be intact, you will be required to start as a new member. EasyOHS technicians will assist you to transfer over any archived data into your re-activated membership. ​ How easy is that?
  • How many Seats can I set up?
    EasyOHS does not limit the number of seats that can be set up in the Cloud version of the programme but, as we have pointed out, concurrent use might become a problem depending on the number of gateways you have purchased. ​ How easy is that?
  • What's the difference between a Gate and a Seat?
    A ‘Seat’ offers controlled entry into the EasyOHS programme and allows the user to use the programme according to the restrictions placed on that ‘Seat’ by the Administrator. ​ A ‘Gateway’ is an access point into the Cloud programme. You use a ‘Gateway’ to connect to the EasyOHS Cloud. Although any amount of ‘Seat’ holders can have access to each ‘Gateway’, it can only be used by one ‘Seat’ holder at any one time. If you need to have concurrent access to the full version of the EasyOHS programme you will need to have multiple ‘Gateways’. When the Cloud version is purchased you are supplied with 2 'Gateways'. ​ You may create as many ‘Seats’ as you wish but any additional 'Gateways' required will need to be purchased. ​ How easy is that?
  • What sized business can the Cloud version be used in?
    You can use EasyOHS in any sized business – it is only a matter of how you deploy the program. We recommend using EasyOHS to centralise your workplace health and safety information and distribute the information. ​ The Cloud version allows you to purchase the programme once and then, once certain conditions are met, set up sites for every branch of your company. This allows local management for each site you set up as well as central management and control of your entire company’s Health and Safety requirements. ​ Because your entire company’s OHS/WHS records are in one location, reporting is greatly enhanced. Documents that are difficult to formulate can be copied between sites meaning greater control over quality standards and great time saving advantages plus a whole lot more. ​ How easy is that?
  • Can I use the Apps with the Single User and LAN versions of the programme?
    The apps do not work with the original EasyOHS programme. ​ They only work in conjunction with the Cloud version because they are implicitly tied to the cloud storage and will not work without that access. ​ How easy is that?
  • Are the Apps able to be used concurrently?
    Yes! ​ Obviously, you need to be using the Cloud version of the programme, otherwise there are no restrictions on the use of the apps. Any amount of them can log in concurrently. There will ultimately be apps for every module in the EasyOHS programme so the efficiency will be amazing. ​ How easy is that?
  • Will I need to get special stationery for EasyOHS to print its documents?
    EasyOHS prints all it's output onto blank A4 stationery. The only choices you have to make is the quality of the paper you use and whether to print in colour. ​ How easy is that?
  • If I get a LetterHead made, can I use it with EasyOHS?"
    EasyOHS has an inbuilt, simple, utility that allows you to create a Letterhead for your documents and for your Emails. You can include your Logo and two lines of text. You can, of course, create your own elsewhere and save it. Then, using the 'Resource Manager' move it into the Headers folder. If you are going to do that you should know that any graphic should ideally be 600 pixels wide and should have a resolution of 96 dpi. If you do not create a header to use, EasyOHS creates one with your company name and details, on the fly. EasyOHS is not set up to use pre-printed stationery. ​ How easy is that?
  • Most EasyOHS documents are printed in colour. Do I need a colour printer?
    No you don't. With the cost of colour printing coming down all the time, most businesses will have access to a colour printer and our documents look great when printed in colour however, they will look just fine when printed with a monotone printer. Depending on the printer it might be necessary to ensure that 'Gray Scale' printing is implemented. ​ How easy is that?
  • How do I know which policies, procedures and other documents to download?"
    All of our Procedures, Policies, SWPs etc are listed alphabetically in the download area making it easy to find what you are looking for. Many of these documents are also listed under particular business type headings. For instance, under the heading 'Service Station' you would find documents listed that relate to that industry. This makes your initial setting up an easy task. Simply download the documents that are relative to your business. Of course, our support staff can always help you get started. Contact them by email on or via our contact page on this website. ​ How easy is that?

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